
The Full Diagnostic Assessment Process

A diagnostic assessment will provide a detailed picture of how an individual processes information, identifying both strengths and challenges and providing recommendations for moving forwards. The assessment will also consider whether any other factors are affecting learning and performance, for example, emotional and environmental factors.

I assess children and young people from the age of 7. It is considered best practice for a child to have completed the whole of KS1 before completing a diagnostic dyslexic assessment.

Before the assessment

  • A brief telephone conversation, or email, will allow us to discuss your main concerns about yourself or your child.
  • You ensure that you or your child has had up to date vision and hearing tests.
  • You will receive some pre-assessment questionnaires to complete. Once these are returned and the ‘need’ has been assessed, an appointment can be booked for the assessment.
  • You send any other information, IEPs, school reports, healthcare reports, etc, that you may have about yourself or your child.

During the assessment

  • The assessment lasts approximately 3 hours and takes place in my home
  • The testing process involves comprehensive assessment of:
    • Verbal and Non-verbal Ability and Reasoning
    • Cognitive Processing (Processing and Memory)
    • Attainment (Reading, Spelling and Writing)
  • At the end of the testing process, it is not possible to discuss findings as these take a lot of time and consideration.

After the assessment

  • Within 3 weeks, your comprehensive report will be emailed to you. This will detail my findings, including recommendations for individual, home and educational establishment. I will happily discuss these with you if you need further clarification.
  • It may be the case that I refer you or your child on to another professional, for example a paediatrician, for other conditions. I will always try to offer recommendations for who to approach. In some instances, I will write a referral letter.
  • The report may also recommend Exam Access Arrangements. The ultimate decision resides with your educational establishment or your child’s school and is based upon ‘Normal Way of Working’. It is imperative that you involve the school prior to the assessment if you wish for the assessment findings to be taken into consideration.
  • At present, a report conducted by an APC holder, such as myself, can be used for DSA purposes. This means that the report could be used in the future to help you or your child to apply for financial support needed for on-going studies in higher education.

The cost

Full diagnostic assessment (DSA compliant) £565.
Exam Access Arrangement Form 8 completion – please contact me to discuss your particular needs.